We offer two free trial classes of all our classes and 20% off the first term.
We offer Ballet classes from age 2.5. Following the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Syllabus, students have the opportunity to work towards examinations as well as performances. Ballet encourages strength, flexibility, style, elegance, good posture, as well as discipline and team work.
Dance To Your Own Tune is a preschool Ballet Syllabus from the RAD which teaches basic movement skills through imaginative sequences and the use of props. We have two classes split by age.
Saturday 9.30-10.00 - Dance To Your Own Tune - Age 2-3.5 years (Dance Studio)
Saturday 9.30-10.00 - Dance To Your Own Tune - Age 3.5-5 years (Dance Hall)
When students start school they move up to our Pre-Primary Ballet class which is where they can start to work towards examinations if they which to. Examinations are not compulsory and students are able to move up without taking an exam when they reach they required level. Here are a list of our classes from Pre-Primary upwards and a guide as to age (this may vary depending on previous experience).
Pre-Primary Ballet - Monday 4.30-5.00 - Reception-Year 1
Primary Ballet - Monday 5.00-5.30 - Year 2 - 3
Grade 1 Ballet - Monday 5.30-6.10 - Year 3- 4
Grade 2 Ballet - Monday 6.10-6.55 - Year 4 - 5
Grade 3 Ballet - Monday 6.55-7.40 - Year 6 - 7
Grade 4 Ballet - Monday 7.40-8.25 - Year 8 - 9
Intermediate Ballet - Tuesday 6.30-7.30
Pointe Beginners - Thursday 8.50-9.20
Students in Grade 1- Grade 4 Ballet are encouraged to take our Junior and Inter PBT class and students in Intermediate and Advanced 1 Ballet are encouraged to take our Senior PBT class.
Junior and Inter PBT - Saturday 12.00-12.30
Senior PBT - Saturday 12.30-1.10
What is PBT?
Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is an innovative body conditioning and strength-building program that prioritises muscle memory development through ballet-specific exercises. This cutting-edge program is ideal for dancers and athletes, offering a proactive approach to injury prevention and rehabilitation, while fostering improved posture, optimal weight placement, and a robust core.